I've always heard about following your heart, so, I decided to try it. My passion? What makes me happy? Writing. I love to write, I just don't on a regular basis. Recently, I came across some writing I did in high school. Journal type stuff, a few short stories (I should burn!!), it made me happy to find them. This love of writing isn't new, it's always been there. If only I had figured out how to make a living off of it. Now, it will just be my hobby, well, one of them at least.
Several of my friends, both real and imaginary, have blogs. Food blogs, photography blogs, farm blogs, craft blogs, you name it, it has been thought of. It looked like a great way for me to fill my craving for writing, but what on Earth would I write about?? I have hobbies, but not one I love above all others. Nor did I have one that I really excelled in. I kind of crochet, I kind of cook, there is nothing about me that farms/gardens. So I asked myself, "Self, what is it that you do well"? The best answer I could come up with was being me, Stephanie.
This blog is my purpose. One must live every day with purpose, now, I have found mine. Do what you love, that is what I am going to do. It is a start, a beginning. Life has so much more to offer and I need to grab it before it slips by!
So, stay tuned! I am excited, there is so much I want to share, I wonder where I should start?!
Step 1: Make a Plan.