Today was, is, a new day. I was determined for this day to be better than yesterday. Well, it started off finding out the same thing that was bothering me yesterday, is still wrong today and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. While I silently flip out on the inside, I focus my energy on other things. So, that meant a trip to the library!!
I love the library. Like LOVE it!! It's like the dollar store, but even better because you don't spend money! The dollar store is a store that a person (read woman) can go and get her retail therapy for cheap. Of course, this may be below some people, I am not one of those people. Five bucks, five (albeit crappy) things and it really can satisfy that need we (read women) have to spend money to fill a void we aren't sure where or why is there. Now, for me, the library does the same thing. I guess part of it is being a book lover all my life. A book is an amazing thing. There is really no telling how many books I've purchased over my life time, hundreds and hundreds without doubt. For me, a book is almost equal to a pair of shoes. (I know, that won't compute for some of you). The second part is that I live on a fixed income, have three boys and do not have money to spend every time I need a little boost! So, to the library I go!
Here is a glimpse into my mind and how random it can be:
Cookbooks (well, weight loss cookbooks), crocheting, cleaning, photography and grammar. Now, I just have to figure out which one to open first! I think I'll start with the weight loss seems my new hobby is gaining weight. It seems only JLo can pull off a JLo butt. ~sigh~ I looked at all the pictures in the rice diet book, but didn't see I am very interested to see how/where rice fits in. I read a snip-it of the Grammar Girl's book, and it satisfies the geek in me. Digital Photography got thrown in because it grabbed me as I walked by looking for the "Crochet" section. That's the one thing that irritates me, I never remember where what is in the library. It is like going to a new grocery store every time. Photography was my thing in high school, and I still love it, I just don't make time for it. Crocheting in Plain English I came across looking for a book for granny square patterns. There are so many times I read a pattern and it makes my head spin! I am hoping this book helps a bit. And for those that haven't stopped laughing, Real Simple Cleaning was just for giggles...and heck, maybe something will click (really, stop laughing).
Ok, let us zoom over here!! These are a few pictures that made me smile this morning. I love looking a pictures, old, new, mine, random pictures that belong to people I do not even know on Facebook...
This was in Lake Charles, LA. I have/had never seen one like it, and it really gave me a good laugh, before coffee even!
These are great shoes aren't they?! I was not even looking for shoes when I found mine, but I loved them and thought they were perfect eloping shoes! MJ's are hot shoes, if there are such a thing. And this is one of my favorite pictures from our wedding photographer!
I love this picture of us. Even though I have my typical "smile for the camera" smile, it's not a bad picture considering we are all looking in the same direction, have our eyes open and are smiling (damnit Austin, would a smile kill you?!).
There are things in our day that have the potential to ruin it. However, it's up to each of us to decide if we will let it or not. I cannot control some things and I refuse to have my whole day go to hell because of it. The sun is shining, birds are chirping and I am smiling. Life is good.
Uh-oh. I just heard the bus, that means the boys are home. EEK!!
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